Individual Parameters

Adding -indiv

You can include “-indiv indiv_params.json” in the python command, for specifiying parameters specific parameters:

$ python workflows/ -data ~/Data_maca -out ./local_test -soft SPM -params params.json -indiv indiv_params.json

Advanced parameters settings

Here is json file with all possible nodes to be tuned in indiv_params; In particular, the specifications of sub- and ses- are mandatory before the specification of nodes; Also note that, as for macapype individual paramters, the nodes are specified directly, without specifiying the sub-pipelines they belong to.

Please refer to the parameter page for more explanation on the possible structure of nodes.

            "comment": "corresponds to skull_t1_pipe (",

                "thr": "300"

            "comment": "OR",
                "kmeans": true,
                "operation": "lower",
                "index": 2

                "operation" : "modal",
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0

                "comment": "if t1_debias is defined in params"


                "comment": "if t1_skull_auto_mask is defined in params",

                "kmeans": true,
                "operation": "lower",
                "index": 2
            "comment": "OR",
                "comment": "if t1_skull_mask_thr is defined in params",
                "thr": "300"



                "comment": "if t1_head_erode_skin is defined in params",

                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 14.0
                "operation" : "modal",
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0
                "comment": "if t1_skull_fov is defined in params",

                "brainsize": 45

            "comment": "corresponds to skull_ct_pipe (",

                "thr": "300"

            "comment": "OR",
                "kmeans": true,
                "operation": "lower",
                "index": 2

                "operation" : "modal",
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0

                "comment": "if ct_skull_fov is defined in params",

                "brainsize": 45

            "comment": "corresponds to skull_petra_pipe (",


                "comment": "if avg_reorient_pipe is defined in params",


                "thr": "300"

            "comment": "OR",
                "kmeans": true,
                "operation": "lower",
                "index": 2

                "operation" : "modal",
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0

                "comment": "if petra_debias is defined in params"


                "comment": "if petra_skull_auto_mask is defined in params",

                "kmeans": true,
                "operation": "lower",
                "index": 2
            "comment": "OR",
                "comment": "if petra_skull_mask_thr is defined in params",
                "thr": "300"



                "comment": "if petra_head_erode_skin is defined in params",

                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 14.0

                "operation" : "modal",
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0
                "kernel_shape" : "boxv",
                "kernel_size" : 13.0

                "comment": "if petra_skull_fov is defined in params",

                "brainsize": 45

            "comment": "corresponds to angio_pipe (",

                "thr": "300"

            "comment": "OR",
                "params": "FAST (FSL)"