

External software dependancies

SkullTo3d relies heavily on other neuroimaging Softwares, predominentyly:

Python packages dependancies

SkullTo3d relies on python packages. Here we provide installations using Anaconda

Creating environment with all packages

In case you have access to a conda environment, here is the procedure to initialize your own environnment (called “skullTo3d_env”, but can be called the name you prefer):

$ conda init bash
$ conda create -n skullTo3d_env python=3.10
$ conda activate skullTo3d_env

Install skullTo3d package

from github

Using git

$ git clone
$ cd skullTo3d
$ python develop --user

Using pip

$ pip install git+

from pypi

SkullTo3d is available on *

If ‘pip’ package is installed on your system, you can install the lastest stable version with:

$ pip install skullTo3d

Testing the install

$ ipython
In [1]: import skullTo3d; print (skullTo3d.__version__)

See Quick test for testing if your installation works properly on test datasets.