Source code for macapype.utils.utils_tests

    Support function for loading test datasets
import os
import os.path as op

import shutil
import json
import subprocess

def _download_data_zip(data_zip, name):

    json_data = op.join(op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)),

    data_dict = json.load(open(json_data))

    for key, cloud_elem in data_dict.items():

        data_dir = cloud_elem["data_dir"]

        if name not in data_dir.keys():

            print("{} not found in {}".format(name, key))

        server = cloud_elem["server"]

        if "cloud_format" in list(cloud_elem.keys()):
            oc_path = cloud_elem["cloud_format"].format(server, data_dir[name])
        elif "cloud_format_3" in list(cloud_elem.keys()):
            oc_path = cloud_elem["cloud_format_3"].format(server,
                                                          data_dir[name], name)

        cmd = 'wget --no-check-certificate  \
            --content-disposition  {} -O {} '.format(oc_path, data_zip)

        val =

        if val:
            print("Error with {} for {}".format(cmd, key))

        if op.exists(data_zip):

            print("Ok for download {} with {}".format(data_zip, key))
            print("Quitting download function")

            return True

    assert op.exists(data_zip),\
        "Error, data_zip = {} not found ".format(data_zip)

    return False

[docs]def load_test_data(name, path_to=""): """ Load test data, template and needed scripts """ if path_to == "": path_to = op.expanduser("~") assert op.exists(path_to), "Breaking, {} do not exist".format(path_to) data_dirpath = op.join(path_to, "data_macapype") try: os.makedirs(data_dirpath) except OSError: print("data_dirpath {} already exists".format(data_dirpath)) data_path = op.join(data_dirpath, name) if op.exists(data_path): print("{} Already exists, skipping download".format(data_path)) return data_path data_zip = op.join(data_dirpath, "{}.zip".format(name)) if not op.exists(data_zip): print("Download {}".format(data_zip)) val = _download_data_zip(data_zip, name) assert val, "Error, cannot download {}".format(data_zip) assert op.exists(data_zip), "Error, cannot find {}".format(data_zip) print("Unzip {} to {}".format(data_zip, data_path)) os.system("unzip -o {} -d {}".format(data_zip, data_path)) os.remove(data_zip) assert op.exists(data_path), "Error, cannot find {}".format(data_path) return data_path
def format_template(data_path, template_name): import json json_template = op.join(op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)), "templates.json") template_path_dict = json.load(open(json_template)) assert template_name in template_path_dict.keys(), \ "Error, could not find template formating for {} in {}".format( template_name, template_path_dict.keys()) template_dict = template_path_dict[template_name] print("Found template formating for {}:".format(template_name)) print(template_dict) for key, value in template_dict.items(): template_file = op.join(data_path, value) assert op.exists(template_file), "Error, file {} is missing".format( template_file) template_dict[key] = template_file return template_dict def make_tmp_dir(): tmp_dir = "/tmp/test_macapype" if op.exists(tmp_dir): shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) os.makedirs(tmp_dir) os.chdir(tmp_dir) return tmp_dir