.. _macapype: ******** Macapype ******** .. .. .. _short_logo: .. .. |logo1| image:: ./img/logo/logo_macapype_0.3.jpg .. :scale: 100% .. .. .. table:: .. :align: center .. .. +---------+ .. | |logo1| | .. +---------+ .. Macapype is an open-source multi-modal brain data analysis kit which provides **Python-based pipelines** for advanced multi-thread processing of MRI anatomical data of NPH brain images. Macapype is based on `Nipype `_, a tool developed in fMRI field, which facilitates data analyses by wrapping many commonly-used neuro-imaging software into a common python framework. API, describing the different pipelines and nodes, can be found :ref:`here ` .. image:: ./img/logo/logo_macapype_0.3.jpg :width: 600 :align: center Choose your install ******************* git install ----------- .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/Macatools/macapype.git (see :ref:`Git install `) pip install ----------- .. code-block:: bash pip install macapype (see :ref:`Pypi install `) docker/singularity install -------------------------- .. code-block:: bash docker pull macatools/macapype:latest (see :ref:`Docker install `) Ressources ************ `Open Science Room OSR 2020 of OHBM congress presentation of macapype `_ Forum macapype_users ********************** The macapype_users forum can be be found `here `_ (requires a framateam/framagit account, but should be accessible with a github or bitbucket account). See the section :ref:`Forum ` for more information on how to connect. Installation ************ See :ref:`Installation ` for installation on your local system if you have adequate softwares (i.e. FSL, AFNI, Ants, SPM) running on your machine/clusters. Docker ****** A Dockerfile, and a docker image are also available, explanations can be found :ref:`here ` Workflows ********** Running workflows can be found :ref:`here ` Tutorial ******** Explanations on how to modify the processing can be found :ref:`here ` Explanations of the various pipelines are found :ref:`here ` Examples ******** Several examples can be found :ref:`here ` Useful tips *********** Some useful tips to reorient and crop images :ref:`here ` Contributing ************* Some advices on how to contribute to the source code can be found :ref:`here ` Table of contents ****************** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install docker_install workflows params indiv_params tutorial examples pipelines external_pipeline contribute utils brainhack