.. _examples: Pipeline examples __________________ Macaque: --------- * :ref:`Segmentation of macaque test dataset ` processed with SPM-based :class:`full pipeline `. Origin of the dataset: `ERC COVOPRIM `_ project. Acknowledgements to Pascal Belin and Regis Trapeau. | * :ref:`Segmentation of macaque test dataset ` processed with ANTS-based :class:`full pipeline `. Origin of the dataset: `ERC COVOPRIM `_ project. Acknowledgements to Pascal Belin and Regis Trapeau. | * :ref:`Segmentation of macaque test dataset with reorientation `, starting from a sphinx position, processed with ANTS-based :class:`full pipeline `. Acknowledgements to Frederic Chavane and Isabelle Racicot. | Marmoset: ---------- * :ref:`Segmentation of marmoset test dataset `, processed using same ANTS-based :class:`full pipeline `. The automated cropping did not work, hence manual cropping was used, cropbox has to be specified manually. Origin of the dataset: `ANR Marmobrain `_ project. Acknowledgements to Frederic Chavane, Thomas Brochier and Julien Sein. | Baboon: -------- * :ref:`Segmentation of baboon test dataset `, processed using same ANTS-based :class:`full pipeline `, with single_preparation pipeline for data_preparation. Origin of the dataset: `ERC GestImage `_ project. Acknowledgements to Adrien Meguerditchian and Yannick Becker. ** dataset not yet available for download and test**