Macapype is an open-source multi-modal brain data analysis kit which provides Python-based pipelines for advanced multi-thread processing of MRI anatomical data of NPH brain images. Macapype is based on Nipype, a tool developed in fMRI field, which facilitates data analyses by wrapping many commonly-used neuro-imaging software into a common python framework.

See Quick Installation for installation on your local system if you have adequate softwares (i.e. FSL, AFNI, Ants, SPM) running on your machine/clusters
See Container installation for fully compliant installation (no MRI softwares, or Windows / MacOS operating system)
Once installed, see Quick test for testing if your installation is working properly
Command line parameters¶
macapype is fairly flexible, but requires to specify multiples parameters in command line
See Commands for a description on the avalaible command parameters